Recursive process.nextTick detected – Issue with Grunt and Watch

Recently came up against this issue when using Watch with Grunt. I’m running Grunt 0.4.5 and Watch 0.6.1. When I would run “grunt watch” I would get the following error: “Recursive process.nextTick detected.” The issue was that I had registered a “watch” task as well as loaded the “watch” task. For example:

module.exports = function(grunt) {

        watch: {
            files: ['app/**/*.js'],
            tasks: ['jasmine'],
            options: {
                spawn: false

    grunt.registerTask('watch', ['watch']);

To get rid of the issue, just remove the registerTask call like so:

module.exports = function(grunt) {

        watch: {
            files: ['app/**/*.js'],
            tasks: ['jasmine'],
            options: {
                spawn: false


It was a careless mistake on my part as you are able to create your own tasks in Grunt which in turn perform other tasks.

Don Marges

Don Marges

Fullstack Web Developer

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